Faith in your community

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What is faith?

There is no one way to define faith as Spirituality has a specific meaning to each based on their own life experience or world view.

Senior lecturer in religious education at MMU Elaine McCreery described spirituality as an awareness that there is something other, something greater than everyday life.

Faith based organisations can provide meaningful spiritual learning experiences as well as: 

  • Space for stillness, wondering, reflecting, questioning and listening. The use of quiet prayer, symbols and silence can encourage a sense of mystery and allow you simply ‘to be’
  • Consider the process of learning as well as the end result. There may be opportunities for you to express your creative learning through music, words and singing
  • Embrace difficult questions and as you try to make sense of the world, provide a safe space within which they can argue, question and explore
  • Build relationship and make friends and journey together discovering God
  • Provides a understanding of trust in which you can learn together, listen to each other and respect each other 

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Faith based places include churches, mosques, temples and synagogues. 

How do I find my local church? 


Telford & Wrekin

Inclusive Church is a network of churches, groups and individuals uniting together around a shared vision.

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How do I find my local mosque? 


Telford & Wrekin


How do I find my local synagogue?  


Telford & Wrekin

