Getting help

If loneliness is making you feel sad or upset, remember there is support available.  

Opening up to an adult you trust such as a family member, a friend, a teacher, or a counsellor can help you. They can listen and help you find ways to feel better. 

Things you can do:

  1. Open up to someone: Sharing your feelings with someone you trust can help you feel less alone. 
  2. Join a club or group: Being part of a team or group with the same interests can help you make new friends and feel like you fit in. 

  3. Get active: Exercise or playing sports can make you feel better because it produces endorphins which are also known as happy hormones. Plus, it can help you meet new people. 

  4. Try a new hobby: Learning something new can be fun and help take your mind off feeling lonely. 

  5. Remember you're amazing: Don't compare yourself to others or let social media get you down. You have unique talents and interests that make you special. 

  6. Mindset matters: Repeat after me: "I'm okay, it's not my fault, and loneliness doesn't last forever." Focus on your strengths, hobbies, and what makes you, you! 

Remember, it's okay to feel lonely sometimes. There are always ways to find support and things you can do to feel better. 

Here are some tips to help you spend less time staring at screens:

Talk openly: Have a chat with your parents about how much time you spend on social media. It's important to feel comfortable discussing your habits without feeling judged.

Evaluate and learn: Take a moment to think about when and why you use social media. Your parents can help you understand how too much screen time can affect your mood and mental health. Knowing this can help you make smarter choices.

Follow the leader: Your parents can lead by example! They can set limits on their own screen time. Create a family plan for using devices, like no screens during meals or before bed.

Connect with people: Spend more time with friends and family without screens. Put your phone away when you're talking to someone or doing activities together. It's important to give each other your full attention.

Set boundaries: Work with your parents to set daily screens limits. Unfollow accounts that make you feel bad and find other fun activities that don't involve screens.