A baby's cry can be upsetting and frustrating. It is designed to get your attention and you may be worried that something is wrong with your baby.
Your baby may start to cry more frequently at about 2 weeks of age. The crying may get more frequent and last longer during the next few weeks, hitting a peak at about 6 to 8 weeks.
Every baby is different, but after about 8 weeks, babies start to cry less and less each week.
ICON is all about helping people who care for babies to cope with crying. It stands for:
- I - Infant crying is normal
- C - Comforting methods can help
- O - It's OK to walk away
- N - Never, ever shake a baby
Sometimes the crying can feel like it’s becoming too much, and if this is the case, click here for advice on what you can do and you can try these simple comfort methods to see if the baby stops crying.
Babies cry for many reasons - most commonly because they are uncomfortable or are unwell. This may be due to colic, reflux, constipation or infection amongst other things.
Below are some things to look out for if your baby is crying that may suggest they are unwell.