Asthma Care in Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin

Excellent Asthma Care in Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin

Asthma is a common condition affecting 1 in 11 children and young people, with every school classroom containing 1 or 2 children with Asthma. If not treated well, Asthma has a significant impact on a child’s quality of life and their ability to enjoy activities and education. It also puts them at risk from episodes of breathing difficulty, known as Asthma attacks.

Sadly, some children and young people with asthma will die from these attacks every year. These episodes are preventable with good asthma care delivered in partnership with the child or young person through empowering them to manage their asthma.

Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin Integrated Care Systems (ICS) has embarked on an overarching transformation programme across our region to improve outcomes for children and young pe​ople. 

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Improving the Asthma care is an integral part of the transfromation plan, and a work programme has been designed to improve Asthma care in our region in line with the standards set out in the NHS England and Improvement national bundle of care for children and young people with Asthma.

There are 5 main components of the Asthma national bundle of care:

A.   Environmental Impacts

B.   Accurate and Early Diagnosis

C.   Effective Preventative Medicine

D.  Managing Exacerbations 

E.   Severe Asthma

These elements are supported by two golden threads:

  1. Asthma Competencies, Training and Education Needs
  2. Data and Digital

The aims of Excellent Asthma Care in Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin are to ensure:

  • Children and young people with asthma have access to excellent care that is in line with national standards of care wherever they receive this care in our region. We will work at supporting and empowering families in the self-management of asthma symptoms and allow children and young people to achieve the best possible quality of life.
  • Partnership working with all other agencies who care for children and young people and to increase their knowledge and ability to take care of children and young people with asthma.
  • Working together with children and young people, their families, and partner agencies to raise awareness of the impact of poor air quality and the impact of environmental triggers on the control of asthma in children and young people.

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Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin ICS are working with a group of motivated people from a wide range of organisations from across public health, ​housing, education and the voluntary sector services have come together to set out a system-wide programme.

The programme targets improvements to the delivery of seamless care for asthma between primary, secondary and tertiary care services and integrates this with efforts to reduce the environmental, educational, and psychosocial impact of asthma by increasing awareness of the impact of asthma on children’s quality of life and asthma triggers like air pollution exposure to tobacco smoke and poor indoor air quality.