A SEND Strategy Workshop was held in May 2019 to gather the views of children and young people with special educational needs (SEN), parent carers and key partners from across Shropshire, including our schools and colleges and health, care and education professionals.
This event was followed by a series of workshops organised by the Shropshire Parent Carer Council (PACC) to agree the collective vision for SEND and further refine the priorities that would set the strategic direction. It is important that we are able to show the difference that we are making and to enable this to happen we have developed a set of measures intended to evaluate the impact of the strategy and its effectiveness in supporting the local area to achieve its identified priorities.
July 2023 Update: A refreshed SEND Strategy is currently in development which will be called the ‘SEND and Inclusion Strategy’. The new SEND and Inclusion Strategy will be based on the vision of the existing SEND Strategy. (there isn’t a link for this yet but we’ll need to add when it’s up and running.
To view the Shropshire Local Area SEND Strategy 2020-2025, click here.