Autism Assessments

Autism is a lifelong condition. It affects different children in different ways. Your child's brain is unique to them and they will have unique skills, abilities, and needs.   Remember that these differences aren’t always negative. Your autistic child might need support to thrive but thrive they can!

We want children and young people to receive the support that they need regardless of their diagnosis. There are a range of local support providers that you and your child can access, the majority of which do not require your child to have a diagnosis.

However, diagnosis can be important for a range of reasons. If you think it may be helpful for your child to have an assessment for autism start by making an appointment with your child's teacher or the school's Special Educational Needs Coordinator (SENCO) to discuss your concerns. Even if your child’s difficulties are not obvious at school, this is still the best place to seek early support. If your child is not in school speak to another professional involved with them or your child's health visitor or GP. 

In Shropshire and Telford different services offer autism diagnostic assessments depending on the child or young person’s age see below.

Autism Assessment Pathways

Autism Assessment Service (Telford) : Midlands Partnership University NHS Foundation Trust 

For more information about the assessment pathways in the above image visit the providers websites at:

0-5 years, Multi-Disciplinary Assessment ( Shropshire Community Health NHS Trust have recently developed an information video about what to expect at your child's Multi-Disciplinary Assessment (MDA), What to expect at your child's Multi Disciplinary Assessment (MDA) - YouTube.

5-18 years, BeeU : Midlands Partnership University NHS Foundation Trust ( 

18-25 years, Telford Our Services | Telford Autism Hub 

18-25 years, Shropshire Shropshire Autism Hub – A4U 

From April 2025, MPFT is to become the provider of autism assessments for adults aged 18+ who have a GP in Shropshire. This will be delivered alongside the current adult Autism Assessment Service in Telford & Wrekin. Click here to visit their website.

Telford and Shropshire Autism Hubs offer a first point of contact for autism assessments for adults of all ages.

Waiting times for an autism assessment can be long. While you are on the waiting list, you can still get support for your child.

What may happen at an autism assessment?

The video below shows what may happen at an autism assessment.

Autism Assessments Page list